5 Compelling Reasons To Quit Vaping (Safe Alternatives, Tips)

Want to kick your nicotine vaping habit? Or help a loved one get off the terrible addiction?

Knowing why you should quit will give you the much-needed motivation.

For starters, vaping nicotine comes with severe health risks for you and your loved ones. Secondly, it won’t help you quit tobacco cigarettes if that’s why you started vaping.

And the list goes on…

Let’s take a deep dive into five reasons to quit vaping today. We’ll also make your quitting journey easier with some super helpful tips

Feeling motivated already?
What if we tell you that you can continue vaping without any of the nasty health hazards of nicotine?

Nicotine free vaping is all the buzz right now (no pun intended.) So, we’ll introduce you to safe nicotine-free vapes that you can start using right away.

 Further Reading:

This Article Contains:

5 Urgent Reasons to Quit Vaping Nicotine

Let’s get straight to the five big reasons to give up nicotine vaping.

1. You Risk Nicotine Addiction

If you’re new to vaping nicotine or smoking a tobacco cigarette, chances are you're still not addicted to nicotine. 

But that could change in the wink of an eye! 

Studies show that nicotine can create dependency within a few days after the first use. 

As per a Yale Medicine report, nicotine addiction is so sneaky that people don't even realize what hit them until they start showing the first signs of dependency.

What’s worse?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nicotine addiction has symptoms similar to cocaine and heroin addiction.

Sure, you can quit nicotine at any stage. 

But it’d take monumental efforts to overcome the terrible nicotine craving and withdrawal symptoms when you’ve developed a strong dependency.

Did you know: The CDC’s 2021 National Youth Tobacco Survey reported that 2.55 million students (9.3% of the total surveyed) in the US used a tobacco product in the last 30 days. E cigarettes were the most commonly used tobacco product (7.6%,) followed by regular cigarettes (1.5%.)

2. Nicotine Poses Serious Health Risks

In a 2020 survey on young adults who sought addiction treatment, around 50% of respondents cited health concerns as their primary reason for quitting vaping.

Now, this shouldn’t be surprising.

We’ve all heard of the terrible side effects of nicotine, be it through vaping or smoking cigarettes:

  • Respiratory problems like coughing, wheezing, lung injury, and lipoid pneumonia.
  • Higher chances of severe lung injury and lung cancer.
  • Increased risk of heart attack and coronary artery disease.
  • Dampening of the body’s natural immune response, increasing the risk of viral infections.
  • Adverse effects on brain health (especially in a young person,) causing issues like brain fog and decreased learning ability.
  • Mental health problems like anxiety, mood disorder, poor impulse control, and more. 

Countless scientific studies and health institutes like the American Lung Association have confirmed these risks.

But wait! It’s not just nicotine that’s harming you when you vape or smoke.

It turns out that vape juices, e-liquids, or any other tobacco product may contain harmful and addictive chemicals like diacetyl, vitamin e acetate, and formaldehyde.

These toxic substances could harm your body as much as nicotine, if not more.

This makes it all the more important to replace nicotine vapes and tobacco use with other safer alternatives that are free from such toxins.

3. Nicotine Vaping Won’t Help You Quit Smoking

In a 2019 National Institute of Drug Abuse survey, around 6.1% of the surveyed teens said they switched to vaping to quit traditional cigarette.

After all, e-cigarettes and nicotine vapes are often touted as safer smoking alternatives.

But let’s burst this bubble. Vaping is not an effective smoking cessation tool.

Here’s why:

You're not giving up nicotine by opting for vaping products, rather just switching from one inhalation method to another.

A 2019 study found that around 80% of participants who quit smoking in favor of e cigarette use were still vaping a year later. In contrast, only 9% of the participants who opted for nicotine replacement products (nicotine gum, patch) were using these aids after a year.

Moreover, research also shows that vapers and dual smokers (using both conventional and electronic cigarette) are more dependent on nicotine than traditional cigarette smokers.

4. Affects the Health of Your Loved Ones

If you think vaping will not affect people around you like cigarette smoking does - think again!

Here’s the deal: 

Second-hand vape aerosol (the ‘smoke’ from vaping) is a health hazard to non-smokers around you, especially children.

Here’s what research says:

  • A non smoker exposed to secondhand vape aerosol absorbs similar levels of nicotine as those exposed to secondhand tobacco smoke from a traditional cigarette.
  • The vape aerosol from low-quality products contains toxins that can cause lung disease, lung cancer, and other serious health issues.

5. Improved Quality of Life

Giving up nicotine vaping can also bring about many changes in the quality of life.

Let’s take a peek into how e cigarette users benefit from quitting:

  • Could improve life expectancy by minimizing the risks of serious health issues like heart attack and lung cancer.
  • Boosts focus and the ability to sustain it for longer periods.
  • Makes you less prone to mental health issues like mood swings and depression.
  • An overall sense of well-being and satisfaction that’s hard to measure through scientific studies.

All pumped up to give up nicotine?

But, does that mean you need to give up vaping altogether?

Not necessarily.

3 Safer Alternatives to Nicotine Vaping

Quitting nicotine vaping or cigarette smoking can be challenging. (Think: terrible urges and withdrawal symptoms.)

Luckily, there are a few safer aids for nicotine vaping or smoking cessation:

1. Nicotine-free Vapes

A nicotine-free vape is any vaping device that uses e-liquid that contains no nicotine.

Here’s why a nicotine-free vape is one of the safest alternatives to tobacco cigarettes and nicotine vapes:

  • It’s Nicotine Free. Just think about the risk factors you’re eliminating by making this switch.
  • It helps you cope with urges and withdrawal symptoms until you’re completely free from nicotine dependency.
  • It's non-addictive, so you can still enjoy the vaping experience without any risk of dependency.
  • The best brands will offer you many exciting flavor options. Some sweet ones can even help satisfy your sugar craving.

Sounds terrific, right?

But there’s a catch:

Not all nicotine-free vaping products are safe

So your best bet is to go with trusted brands like Cyclone Pods. The entire range is free from:

  • Nicotine or tobacco
  • Toxic additives like diacetyl and vitamin E acetate

Looking for your first nicotine-free vaping device?

Look no further than Cyclone Thunder

A perfect starter product that packs all the essentials to get you going — vaping device, flavored e liquid pod, and charging cable. Plus, you can choose your vibe with six tantalizing flavors on offer.

Need something disposable for your next road trip?

Try the Gust Super! A sleek vape that will give you uninterrupted vaping pleasure (up to 5000 puffs.)

What’s better:

You can charge it to get more mileage out of it. 

2. Nicotine Patches

Not yet ready to give up nicotine entirely?

Go for nicotine replacement therapy, like using a nicotine patch.

It’s an adhesive skin patch that slowly releases nicotine into your body. A controlled release of nicotine helps stop cravings and relieve withdrawal symptoms that follow when you quit vaping or smoking.

While it’s an effective smoking cessation tool, nicotine patches may cause some side effects like:

  • Skin irritation
  • Dizziness
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Insomnia

Moreover, you may still have nicotine craving and risk a relapse if you’re not using a nicotine patch with the correct dose. For instance, if you’d been smoking 20 cigarettes a day, using a 7 mg patch just won't be enough. You’ll need a 21 mg patch.

3. Nicotine Inhalers & Nasal Sprays

A nicotine inhaler is a small cigarette shaped device that helps you get small doses of nicotine at regular intervals throughout the day.

Like a nicotine patch, it works by satiating your nicotine craving without vaping or smoking it.

How do you use it?

Take shallow puffs through your mouth, like how you’d draw from a straw. This way, the nicotine does not reach your lungs and gets absorbed in the body at the back of your throat.

A nicotine nasal spray works similarly, but instead of inhaling through the mouth, you spray it in your nostrils.

Some possible side effects of nicotine inhalers and sprays include:

  • Mouth and throat irritation
  • Runny nose, cough, and hiccups
  • Headache and upset stomach

Note: You’ll need a prescription from a healthcare provider to use them.


We know that overcoming nicotine dependency can be tough for long-term cigarette smokers and e cigarette users.

It comes with a long list of nicotine withdrawal symptoms like:

  • Strong vaping or smoking urges
  • Mental health problems like restlessness, anxiety, and mood swings
  • Irregular appetite and weight gain
  • Brain fog
  • Poor sleep

So, if you’ve decided to take the plunge, we’ll give you a few helpful tips to make your quitting journey easier.

5 Useful Tips to Help You Quit Nicotine Vaping

Here are five super-useful tips to help you power through your quitting journey:

  • Tip 1: Before you quit vaping or smoking, decide if you want to do it cold turkey or over a period of time (using Nicotine Replacement Therapy or nicotine reduction aids.)
  • Tip 2: Set a date (if you’re doing it cold turkey) or a date range to quit. It’s a psychological trick that’ll make you feel in charge.
  • Tip 3: Make a list of all your vaping triggers - both the visible and the sneaky ones. It could be things like stress or being with another vaper or smoker. This will help you create a good distraction strategy.
  • Tip 4: Try different coping mechanisms against nicotine withdrawal symptoms and stick to the ones that work best for you. For instance, take up a physical activity or try relaxation techniques.
  • Tip 5: Form a support group within your social circle, or join a third-party addiction treatment and recovery program. It’ll keep you stay motivated and focused throughout.

Switch to Nicotine-Free Vapes to Reclaim Your Health! 

There are many compelling reasons for quitting vaping nicotine (or even quitting smoking). It saves you and the people around you from severe physical and mental health risks and will improve the quality of your life. 

Besides, it’s simply not an effective smoking cessation tool like it's often promoted.

However, quitting nicotine vapes need not put an end to the entire vaping experience.

Head over to Cyclone Pods to get your hands on high-quality nicotine free vaping products and enjoy a worry-free vaping experience.
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