Do Vapes Contain Calories? (Does It Affect My Diet & Weight?)


It's natural to wonder whether vaping affects your weight and overall health.

Does vaping have calories?

Well, it does.

But can vape calories affect your diet plan? And should you be more worried about nicotine intake instead?

This article will answer how many calories vape juice contains and how it affects your weight. We’ll also share a safer vaping option (Cyclone Pods) that doesn’t affect your weight like regular vapes or tobacco cigs.

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How Many Calories Does Vape Liquid Contain?

A vape pen (a disposable vape or a refillable device) typically contains around 5 calories per 1 ml of e liquid.

It means a full 30 ml bottle of vape juice has approximately 150 calories.

But where do these calories come from?

Vape juice contains five core ingredients — propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, flavorings, nicotine (freebase nicotine or nicotine salt), and water. These ingredients are then heated, creating a vapor that the user inhales.

The calories in vape juice primarily come from propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG). Both PG and VG have a calorie count of about 4 calories per gram. This means that the total calories in vape liquids depend on the PG: VG ratio.

What about the calorie content in flavored and sweetened vape juice?

Surprisingly, the flavorings and sweeteners used in a vaping device are usually calorie-free. Meaning a sweeter flavor like strawberry cheesecake won't necessarily pack extra calories compared to less-sugary options like menthol.

However, some vapes may contain added sugar which could significantly increase your calorie intake.

To put the standard 150 calories in a vape into perspective — you’ll consume the same amount of calories gulping down a regular can of soda.

But here's the twist:
Think about how long that 30 ml bottle of vape juice lasts for most vapers.

Considering its extended duration, typically 3-5 days, the caloric intake from vaping isn't something to lose sleep over. It's like a fleeting moment of calorie bliss compared to the soda's lasting impact.

So, if the calorie count in vape liquids is insignificant, you may want to know the answer to the following question.

How Does Vaping Affect Your Weight?

While most vape juice ingredients won’t cause weight gain or weight loss, the same can’t be said about nicotine, the addictive stimulant found in tobacco.

Let’s answer the two main questions you may have regarding nicotine vaping and weight.

Can Vaping Make You Lose Weight?

Look: Vaping won’t magically melt away pounds. However, research suggests that nicotine speeds up your metabolism and suppresses your appetite, resulting in weight loss.

Metabolism is the body’s process of converting food and drinks into energy. It affects how quickly calories are burned for various functions, including digestion.

A higher metabolism means the body burns energy faster, burning more calories at rest and during physical activity. This can directly influence body weight, which explains why some people can eat more food without gaining weight.

Question is: How does nicotine spike your metabolism?

Nicotine in vaping liquids and traditional cigarettes accelerates your metabolic rate. This acceleration can boost the calories your body burns at rest by approximately 7-15%.

On top of this, nicotine acts as an appetite suppressant, so vaping and smoking regular cigarettes can reduce your desire to snack or eat as much. This, in turn, may affect your blood sugar level, especially if you’re diabetic or susceptible to blood sugar fluctuations.

Additionally, nicotine can hinder your sense of taste and dampen your senses, making food seem less appetizing and ultimately decreasing food intake.

There's more.

Besides curbing your hunger, nicotine suppresses insulin levels in your bloodstream, leading to an elevated blood sugar level and insulin resistance. This ensures that energy remains readily available in the blood for efficient distribution throughout the body, which may reduce feelings of hunger.

Can Vaping Make You Gain Weight?

Look: As we mentioned before, an electronic cigarette doesn’t contain enough calories to make you gain weight.

But as a vaper (or smoker) used to high nicotine strength, if you decide to quit, you may experience weight gain initially.

Here’s how:

  • Lowering nicotine intake slows down the fat-burning rate in your body.

  • When you’re no longer exposed to the appetite-suppressing effects of nicotine, you may find yourself eating more.

  • Quitting smoking or vaping means your insulin levels return to normal, reducing energy availability in the blood. So, you may consume extra calories to compensate for the decreased energy levels.

The weight gain post quitting isn’t drastic and usually happens within the first three months of quitting.

Keeping its side effects on metabolism aside, vaping nicotine can also lead to nicotine cravings and dependence and cause many adverse health risks, like lung scarring, organ damage, etc.

These risks highlight why nicotine should never be a weight loss supplement. And why nicotine vaping and cigarette smoking can’t replace healthy weight management strategies like a balanced diet and physical workout.

Fortunately, there are safer vaping alternatives in the market!

Cyclone Pods: The No-Nicotine Solution for Stress-Free Vaping

Cyclone Pods is a vape company based in the United States dedicated to improving the safety and accessibility of vaping. Their nicotine-free vape selection excludes harmful chemicals like:

  • Nicotine
  • Vitamin E acetate
  • Formaldehyde
  • Diacetyl

Want to experience the benefits of a nicotine-free vape?

Get your hands on the long-lasting Gust Super. This disposable vape offers up to 5,000 puffs and comes in 15 delectable flavors, including watermelon, raspberry, and fruit mint.

And if you’re searching for something more environment-friendly, try their newly launched Surge Collection. The Surge vape features a rechargeable battery (goodbye, e-waste!) and a durable pod that lasts over 6000 puffs.

Or, you can purchase your very own pod system with the Thunder Starter Kit. This rechargeable vape pen includes a flavor pod and offers double the liquid capacity of regular Juul pods, ensuring you can savor your vaping experience to the fullest.

The cherry on the top — flavored, nicotine-free vapes can satisfy sugar cravings, reducing the temptation to consume excessive sugary snacks. This can indirectly support weight management by helping to regulate sugar intake.

Other FAQs About Vaping Calories

Below are answers to other questions you may have about calories and electronic cigarette use:

1. What Happens When You Vape While Fasting?

When you use an electronic cigarette while fasting, the stimulating effects of nicotine can become amplified.


Nicotine stimulates the release of certain hormones, such as adrenaline and dopamine, which can affect the body's systems. When you consume nicotine on an empty stomach, these effects can become more pronounced, potentially causing feelings of nausea, dizziness, or general discomfort.

2. Can You Vape While on a Keto Diet?

Yes, you can vape while on a keto diet, as it does not directly contribute to carbohydrate intake.

Keep in mind that some flavored e-liquids used in a vape device may contain artificial sweeteners or other additives that could affect ketosis for individuals following a strict ketogenic diet.

3. Does Vaping CBD or THC Contain Calories?

The CBD compound has negligible calories, but CBD vape juice typically uses propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin. This means it could have the same calorie content as regular vapes.

On the other hand, THC vape oil usually doesn’t contain vegetable glycerin, so you’ll absorb even fewer calories than using a regular vaping device or a CBD vape device.

4. Is Vaping Healthier Than Eating High-Calorie Foods?

Vaping nicotine and consuming high-calorie foods pose different health risks that can impact your overall health. While vaping doesn't contribute to caloric intake, it does have potential health risks, including harm to lung health and the risk of nicotine addiction.

High-calorie foods, especially high in saturated and trans fats or sugar, can contribute to obesity and related health problems.

5. Can Vaping Replace a Meal or Snack?

No, vaping cannot replace meals or snacks. While some vape juices may have food-like flavors, they do not provide any nutritional value or calories.

Embrace Wellness with Nicotine-Free Vaping

Vape juice only contains about 5 calories per 1 ml of liquid, meaning it has no true impact on your calorie intake.

Instead, nicotine can affect your weight by acting as an appetite suppressant and increasing your metabolism, influencing weight loss.

The best way to enjoy a safe vaping experience?

Visit Cyclone Pods, explore their nicotine-free vape products, and say goodbye to harmful ingredients and dangerous health risks.

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